ZALEKTA Public Company Limited (Previous name: Traffic Corner Holdings Public Company Limited ) (“the Company”) was established on November 5, 2001 with an initial registered capital of THB 15 million. The objective of the Company is to invest in mass media companies, especially marketing management of sports events and news programs on radio and television. Afterward, the Company have merged with M Pictures Co.,Ltd. in order to extend the business to film entertain-ment business by providing Cinemas, DVD-VCD-Blu-Ray manufacturers, Free TV, Cable TV, Pay TV, and Digital Pay TV, film copyrights. Moreover, the company has invested in Thai film production through the Company’s subsidiaries since 2011. As of December 31, 2019, there is THB 656,558,588 of registered capital and THB 650,059,588 paid-up capital
Present, The Company invests in the business relating to entertainment media through cinemas, television, film production and home entertainment through subsidiaries as follows